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Why Is "Pokemon Go" So Popular? Here's Why Everyone Is Obsessed, According To A Lifelong Pokemon Fan

At this point, you probably won't be surprised if I tell you that the "Pokemon Go" app has absolutely exploded in popularity. It hit No. 1 in the App Store almost immediately, and it's changed the behavior of thousands of users, who have been roaming their neighborhoods in search of that elusive Dragonite. It's caused media outlets to throw their hands in the air and wonder why "Pokemon Go" is so popular. In fact, the game has gotten so big, it's even more popular than Tinder
That's right — according to Digital Vision, a blog maintained by SimilarWeb (a web analytics and market intelligence company), "Pokemon Go" is installed on more U.S. Android devices than Tinder. By July 8, "Pokemon Go" was installed on 5.16 percent of phones, while Tinder was installed on about 2.4 percent. While it's impressive that "Pokemon Go" has made an appearance on more than double the number of phones that Tinder has conquered, what makes it even more mind-boggling is that "Pokemon Go" was released just two days earlier on July 6. That means that mobile device users are more likely to be swiping on a Pokeball as they try to catch their umpteenth Pidgey than left or right on the latest date candidate. (What's more, I've met way more people in person playing "Pokemon Go" than I ever did with Tinder.)
App installation rates are one metric by which to measure popularity, but there's another: daily active users. This refers to the number of app users who — you likely guessed it — open the app every day. About 60 percent of the folks who have downloaded "Pokemon Go" are daily active users, giving the app a three percent daily usage rate. That's pretty good! Considering the game's addictive nature, those numbers are about what I expected.
Why Is "Pokemon Go" So Popular? Here's Why Everyone Is Obsessed, According To A Lifelong Pokemon Fan Reviewed by Nomadan Souls on 9:53:00 AM Rating: 5

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